Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Essay: The Azeri Custom of Naming a Newborn Baby

Azeri people have a lot of customs and if one wants to mention all of them, probably a book may be written! Thus, it is somehow difficult to choose one of these traditions as my favorite. But the custom of "naming a newborn baby" is my preferred because of not only the interesting ceremonies that Azeri people hold, but also the sweetness of a baby him/herself.

This tradition is held when the baby is seven-days old. The members of the family and invited people come together in the evening. First, seven of the oldest people sit on the ground, side by side, from youngest to the eldest, and the baby is passed on from the seventh person (youngest) to the first one (the oldest). The last person says the izan (call to prayer in Arabic words) to the baby and then calls the baby's name, chosen in advance, near his/her ear. From this moment, the baby is called by his/her name. Second, the mother of the child lights two candles which are kept from her wedding ceremony to be lit in such a day. This action symbolizes the firmness of the marriage. Then, the baby's eyebrows are made up heavily representing beauty and good fortune for the baby. After passing these phases, it is time to dance, rejoice, and eat dinner. As the last part of this custom, the gifts, brought by the guests to the baby, are opened with singing a special Azeri poem. People gradually say goodbye to the baby and the parents, wishing them the best.

By Parisa Mehran

1 comment:

robabe_rezaei said...

your weblog is very nice and full of your feelings. it shows that you are a hard working student. good luck